Peter Guy Blacklock


Peter Guy Blacklock

Peter Guy Blacklock

Dark Romance & Erotica, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Religion & Spirituality, True Crime

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  • Member Since

    Feb 2018

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  • Country

    United Kingdom

  • Born

    16 March

  • Profession

    Author, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Web Designer, Publisher


Peter Guy Blacklock was born and raised in an unremarkable town in the north-east of England by a remarkably supportive and well adjusted working-class family. After 14 years of ineffective education he found himself in Art College, which led to twenty years employment as an Archaeological Illustrator in which he produced a wide variety of technical illustrations for publication as well as more general illustration, design and copy work on educational and display materials intended for schools and the general public. Eventually the hunt for a half decent salary within that occupation led him to the Museum of London and a move to the capitol where he still lives today in happily married bliss.

He is passionate about genre fiction, film and games, has a fervent interest in history, mythology and folklore and is fascinated by the deeper meanings behind ritual practice, ceremonial magic and occult lore. He is a keen Ripperologist, a devout Lovecraftian and a determined new writer of dark-genre fiction and non-fiction books. A good deal of his spare time is spent online where, under his user-name of choice ‘Harbinger451’, he is creating a website (this one) and writing a blog that explore the alternative worlds that encompass his passions.

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